There’s no need to be a lone wolf, it’s always better to do something as part of a pack.
There’s something about the collective energy of a group, all working on the same activity.
By ourselves, it can be tricky to get started, but together we can feed off each other’s enthusiasm and inspiration.
We’re social creatures - we like to do things in groups It’s also a great way to get things done having a bit of gentle peer pressure.
There’s also the chance to share things with each to trade ideas.
There’s also a shared sense of accountability, you want to to draw, because other folks want to draw.
Online courses are popular because of the group element, but when the courses ends, the group ends as well and it can be difficult to keep it going....but Cartoon Hour is ongoing - and keeps you going!
Okay, so what exactly happens in Cartoon Hour?
We all start drawing at the same time every week. As mentioned, if you’re stuck for something to draw, I’ll give you some ideas at the beginning, so you don’t have to waste time scratching your head.
You could use the hour to work on a drawing project you’ve been putting off, to try something new, or simply to start doodling and see where that leads.
By the end of the hour you will have done some cartooning, even if its not finished.
We’ll also show each other what we’ve been working on. It’s a chance to share ideas and inspiration.
First establish the habit, mastery will come in time
The trick with getting better at anything is to consistently practice it. Cartoon Hour gives you consistent practice time - which means that it will help you to see progress in whatever you’re working on.
And if you’re not working on anything in particular, it’s a fun hour of time spent doing something you love with other interested folks.
It’s important to first establish a habit and do it for a while, before developing it. Cartoon Hour will help you establish your own drawing habit.
Cartoon Hour is designed to get you doodling every week, but if life really does get in the way, then there’s a recording of the session so you can catch up, or pick up the pace again when you get chance.
Cartoon Hour
You get:
You get:
the structure of a weekly drawing session, which means you’re more likely to make progress.
the company of fellow cartoonists, because its fun to do things as a group.
ideas for things to draw if you’re stuck, so you don’t have to waste time staring at the blank canvas of doom.
Cartoon Hour Plus
You get:
the structure of a weekly drawing session, which means you’re more likely to make progress.
the company of fellow cartoonists, because its fun to do things as a group.
ideas for things to draw if you’re stuck, so you don’t have to waste time staring at the blank canvas of doom.
A Q&A session with me (I usually charge $50 an hour when tutoring someone) where you get to ask me all your drawing questions.
When is it?
There are X Cartoon Hours per week. [this is to be decided]
Here’s a few questions that you might have