Same Background, Different Cartoons

A friend of mine recently drew a very detailed kitchen background that caught my eye. I thought I’d borrow it and riff on some different cartoons to use with it.

Here’s the kitchen in it’s original form.


Thanks to Martin for the use of the background!

My first idea was to fill the kitchen with bubbles from an overflowing sink.


The Cat was added to have a little gag within the gag.

After completing that one, I thought I’d play around with the bubbles. I’ve drawn a bubble-monster before, so I decided not to do that again. The shape of the bubbles triggered the following idea.


I zoomed in a bit, but still wanted to show en0ugh of the kitchen to set the scene, so it doesn’t look like only a wave.

Next I decided that something should be done about the perilous state of the kitchen, and so I called in a plumber…


I borrowed Sally from a previous cartoon. She was busy selling seashells…you know the rest…and also giant squid, but that’s another story. I made a few adjustment and voila! A new career as a plumber.

After having the cat sat in one of the cupboards previously, I wonder what else could be lurking behind the doors…


Before going further, I thought it would be better if I dulled down the back of the background a bit more. The detail is really neat, but I didn’t what it distracting and catching the eye.


I added a 50% opacity white wash to the back.


And that wraps up these kitchen cartoons. I had a few more ideas which I may draw another time.