Lesser-Known Bird Species - The Double-Winged Wodgett


You may have seen images of eagles carrying prey several times their own weight. However, that is nothing compared to the heavy lifting capabilities of the Double-Winged Wodgett.

Indeed, the diminutive Wodgett puts the efforts of Olympic power-lifters to shame.

Possessing a unique double set of wings, the Wodgett has a truly remarkable ability to lift heavy weights.

Big Breakfast?


This ability sometimes leads to the Wodgett attempting to bite off more than it can chew it comes to its diet.

Impress the ladies


To attract a mate, some species of birds rely on exotic plumage, song, or even dance. Not so the Wodgett. Instead, it puts on feats of strength to impress potential partners. Sometimes local wildlife get caught up unwilling in these mating rituals.

This ability sometimes leads to the Wodgett attempting to bite off more than it can chew when it comes to its diet.

Deterring predators


Wodgetts also rely on their strength in deterring predators, in the form of lifting heavy objects to drop onto dangerous birds and animals.

Researching the Wodgett


Little is yet known about this still obscure bird. Ornithologist Brenda Feather is currently in the middle of a two-year field study. Feather has found that the Wodgett is remarkably friendly and even tameable, and has found that the bird can be trained to carry her pack in return for a free lunch.

What’s Next?

I drew some of the above cartoons during Cartoon Hour.

What’s Cartoon Hour?

Basically, it’s an hour where everyone meets on Zoom and draws at the same time (me too!). Folks can choose what they want to draw, and if they’re stuck for ideas, then I’m happy to help with some suggestions. 

At the end of the hour we show each other what we’ve drawn. I’ll be imparting a few cartooning tips as well.It’s a good way to get some cartooning done and also to share with fellow doodlers.If you’d like to receive more details on Cartoon Hour, simply add your name, best email address, and type “Yes!” In the message below.