The Double-Winged Wodgett Meets The Pink Tailed Eagle


You may have seen images of eagles carrying prey several times their own weight. However, that is nothing compared to the heavy lifting capabilities of the Double-Winged Wodgett.

Indeed, the diminutive Wodgett puts the efforts of Olympic power-lifters to shame.

Possessing a unique double set of wings, the Wodgett has a truly remarkable ability to lift heavy weights.

Wodgetts also rely on their strength in deterring predators, in the form of lifting heavy objects to drop onto dangerous birds and animals.

I’m now going to go through the steps creating this cartoon.

Outlining the eagle


The Wodgetts I repurposed from a previous cartoon.

Colouring the eagle


I originally intended the eagles to be a more standard brown colour….

Recolouring the eagle


…however, I thought that adding some pink to it’s feathers would make it look more interesting.

Darkening the body of the eagle


Having added some pink, I felt that it was merging in too much with the brown. So I decided to add some black tothe body and wings to make the pink stand out more.

Almost finished


I’ve now coloured the rock, just a little bit more to do.

The finished cartoon


Here is the completed cartoon. I added a simple blue background for the sky and a few movement lines.

What’s Next?

I drew some of the above cartoon during Cartoon Hour.

What’s Cartoon Hour?

Basically, it’s an hour where everyone meets on Zoom and draws at the same time (me too!). Folks can choose what they want to draw, and if they’re stuck for ideas, then I’m happy to help with some suggestions. 

At the end of the hour we show each other what we’ve drawn. I’ll be imparting a few cartooning tips as well.It’s a good way to get some cartooning done and also to share with fellow doodlers.If you’d like to receive more details on Cartoon Hour, simply add your name, best email address, and type “Yes!” In the message below.