Maze Cartoons

I was listening to a podcast a while back which referenced experiments involving lab rats working their way through a maze to get to some food on the other side.

For some reason, this snippet popped back into my head the other day and so I decided to riff off the theme of mazes and see where that led to.

Go over, not through

Maze cartoon

The first idea that came up was simply bypassing the maze altogether. That triggered the process of coming up with ways to do so.

The direct path

Cartoon maze

The rat returned for another crack at the maze, this time going through it, but not quite in the way the maze builder intended…

In a few simple hops…


I thought I’d switch animals and see what other critters attributes might help them to tackle the maze. As I was about to talk to an Aussie friend, I naturally had to include a kangaroo.

An unfair advantage

Animal in a maze

I then started thinking about other creatures so w0uld be able to cheat while in a maze. I first thought of ostriches being able to peak over the walls, but then I thought I’d take it a few feet further up and have a giraffe instead.


Maze illustration

I’m not quite sure what this red and white critter is, but whatever it is, it’s got the wits to find a simpler solution.

Stuck in a maze with your cartooning?

The find the easy way out by joining Cartoon Hour

What’s Cartoon Hour?

Basically, it’s an hour where everyone meets on Zoom and draws at the same time (me too!). Folks can choose what they want to draw, and if they’re stuck for ideas, then I’m happy to help with some suggestions. 

At the end of the hour we show each other what we’ve drawn. I’ll be imparting a few cartooning tips as well.It’s a good way to get some cartooning done and also to share with fellow doodlers.If you’d like to receive more details on Cartoon Hour, simply add your name, best email address, and type “Yes!” In the message below.