How To Draw Cartoon German Shepherds

Werner proves once again the adaptability of the German Shepherd.

Today Suki has enlisted the help of Maxie to look at drawing cartoon German Shepherds.

Before we go any further, What do you think have three features of German Shepherds?




German Shepherd Characteristics

German Shepherds are powerful, intelligent working dogs.

Orignally bred as herding sheep, because of their intelligence, trainability, and obedience, they have also found work in disability assistancesearch-and-rescuepolice and military use, and various acting roles.

Here are some other characteristics:

  • Pointed muzzle

  • Triangular, forward pointing ears

  • Noble stance

  • Powerful appearance

  • Lowslung tail

Porsches To Pooches?

Unfortunately, a sloped back has been aimed at by some breeders, this has been nicknamed a ‘Porsche back’ after the German sports car. This has led to some dogs having a lot of hip problems. So after the above illustration, I’m not going to draw any more Shepherds with sloped backs.

German Shepherd Colour Variations

…and the incredibly rare black and blue…

A Few More Points To Consider

Some German Shepherd Poses

Some More Cartoon German Shepherds

I’ve drawn Shepherds a few times before, here are some examples. Actually, to be honest the top right one is a wolf, but they do look quite wolf like!

The bottom-right one is simpler than the others. You don’t have to d0 a complex drawing for the audience to still recognise what dog breed it is you’re portraying.

Rex is a reoccurring character in the Gerald the Goat Strip.

Over To You

Now it’s your turn to have a go at Cartooning a German Shepherd.

Now it’s your turn to have a go at cartooning a German Shepherd.

First Find A Picture

Find an image of a pose that you would like to draw. If you’re working digitally create a transparent layer on top, if you’re working old-school, then get some tracing paper.

Trace The Image

Drawing as quickly possible, trace an outline. Tracing an image helps you to familiarise yourself with the proportions of the dog.

You can even do this a few times if you like.

Copy The Image

Keeping the image in site, copy it a few times. You will probably find it very useful to use a grid to help with gauge the proportions.

Work as quickly as you can with the copies.

When you’ve finished, paused for a moment and see if there is anything that doesn’t look quite right, or could be adjusted. For example, in the top right copy the head looks a little on the big size.

Now Choose A Copy And Tidy It Up

Choose the copy that you are most happy with. See if you can make any alterations to improve it.

Although I chose a black Shepherd to draw, I’ve added a Black and Tan coat to my copy as it will make it more easily recognisable.

Now Try A Different Angle

This is a page from the ‘Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs’ Course. If you’d like to find out more about the course, fill out the form at the bottom of this article.

Keeping the same pose, try drawing it again from a different angle. You can use the above examples of a Scottie dog to help guide you.

Thinking Up Cartoon Gags

I did a quick mindmap to come up with some ideas for possible cartoons featuring German Shepherds. This one led to the cartoon set in the office that features at the start of this article.

As the Shepherd is a highly adaptable working dog, and is known for it’s work with the police and military, I suddenly thought where else could it provide security?

Can you add anything else to the above mindmap?

Interested In Drawing More Cartoon Dogs?

Fill in your name, best email address, and type “Woof!” in the subject line, and I’ll send you details of the ‘Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs’ Course.