Richard Lang - What It Feels Like To Have No Head

Here are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Peter Crone - Defeat Your Limiting Beliefs

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Richard Lang is the Co-ordinator of the Shollond Trust, a UK charity focussed on sharing the Headless Way.

If you see a person from 6 feet away, they're a person. From 100,000 miles away they're a planet. From a few microns away they're cells. So what are they at their very centre? Who are we?

This is the central question of The Headless Way and today Richard takes us through Douglas Harding's work to answer it along with some meditations and experiments you can do to illuminate these insights for yourself.

I particularly enjoyed putting this set of illustrations together, as I’ve been interested in the Headless Way for a number of years, and have attended some workshop led by Richard.

I highly recommend trying out the experiments for yourself, as it is one thing to read about something - and quite another to experience them for yourself.

Further information about the headless way can be found at: