We Remember Things that Stand Out

In 1933, the German psychologist Hedwig Von Restorff conducted a series of memory experiments using word lists. She discovered that when an isolated item is placed in a list of otherwise similar items would be better remembered than if the item was in a list where all the items were similar.

red blue YELLOW green

The words could be longer, a different type face, font, language etc.

Thus was born the Von Restorff (or isolation) effect or to put it in a nutshell, we remember things that stand out.

How can we use this?

Make sure that what you want people to notice and remember stands out against a homogeneous background. You could do this by using:

  • Colour e.g. an orange sign-up button on your site.

  • Style e.g. the use of humour in your information.

  • Shape e.g. a different design on your page.

  • Contrast e.g. an offer that offers way more value than others.

How can I help?

You don’t have to resort to images of irate giant beetroot to grab folk’s attention. I can create cartoons that are unique to you and your business that will help to get you noticed.