You might have heard in passing of extreme ironing, which combines the danger and excitement of an “extreme sport” with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt. It combines an exciting and dangerous experience with one often considered dull and boring.
It got me thinking about what other less desirable chores could be spiced up a bit with an element of danger….
And so extreme dish washing came to be…
Think exaggeration..Think extreme..
Cartoons thrive on exaggeration, in fact sometimes getting an idea across demands. As cartoonists we’re given a lot of license to exaggerate.
Over To You…
The challenge today is to come up with an ordinary, everyday task or chore…and to jazz it up by adding a large dose of extremity!
What tasks or chores come to mind? Take a moment to come up with some.
Here are a few suggestions.
Walking the dog
Polishing shoes
Can you think up three more?
Here are three templates you can use.