Peter Crone -Defeat Your Limiting Beliefs

These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Peter Crone - Defeat Your Limiting Beliefs

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Peter Crone is a performance coach to athletes, professionals and celebrities.

The beliefs and subconscious narratives we hold shape our behaviour, health, relationships and performance. But by its very definition, the subconscious is difficult to tap in to.

Expect to learn how to step into the narrative loop of your self-image, why not feeling like you're enough is such a common occurrence, how to be less hard on yourself, what our most dangerous inner monologues are and much more...

So What’s That Got To Do With Cartooning?

After every illustration, I’ll add a brief reflection on grow this might apply to creatives…in whatever their creative field might be.

Exploring Inside

If we think there’s something we can’t do, whether creative or otherwise, chances are that we won’t be able to do it. So it’s good to try and look inside to see what thoughts we continue to ruminate on.

Saber-Tooth Tigers Abound!

As a species we’re functioning I fear, due to deeply-wired biology that tells us there are still sabre-toothed tigers lurking.

This can strike when we’re thinking of putting our work out there, or trying a new project.

Watch Out For Your Construct.

If you’re in a construct, it doesn’t matter what you do, what you wear, who you’re with, what you say. Everything is being informed by that constraint.

So if you think you can’t draw well, then that’s probably going to manifest in some shape or form.

Transcend Your Script

Be curious about what narrative you come up with, and then see if you can transcend it.

Try playing around with it. If you think you can’t draw horses, then try drawing a horse.

Add A Question Mark

Try adding a question mark to negative thoughts.

Here are a few points to add question marks to:

  • I can’t draw

  • I won’t be able to master…

  • I can’t think up ideas

Listen To The Aliens

If aliens were to land, how about listening to them instead of trying to kill them. If they’ve made it all the way over here, then the odds are that they’re way smarter than we are…

Have you watched the film ‘Arrival’? It’s a really good illustration of this point, and Peter Crone mentions it in the podcast.

Check The Foundations

Whatever you’re doing or building, check whatever the foundations are that it’s based on.

For Cartooning or any kind of art, it might be a good idea to look into the basic nuts and bolts of your technique and see if there’s anything you could work on (there will be).

Bucket Of Fears

You arrive with your bucket of fears. Life will present you with circumstances to trigger them. The winner is the person who gets beyond them.

Anything you could throw out today?

Who would you be in the absence of your constraints?

One to keep thinking about!