Odd Stock Images

A further look at some odd business stock Images, there seems to be a never-ending supply!


Here an eager office worker is enthusiastically carrying an large stack of folders.


Her trip back to her cubicle is interrupted by an exceedingly rare Paperback Eagle swooping in through an open window and alighting on the pile.

Vital report


A lot of these business-stock folks spend a lot of time looking intently at reports. I’m not sure what’s contained in the reports, as they are often smiling gleefully while perusing.


Sometimes their attention is so wrapped up in the words and charts that they fail to notice other events going on around them. In this case the appearance of an exceedingly rare Zibble-zibble Spider who seized the opportunity to find some lining for its lair.

Shake it up


Another thing that pops up frequently in business stock images is lots of hand shaking, always done with much pleasure.....ecstatic pleasure...of the slightly scary variety.....


Here our business chap is thrown for a curve ball when he encounters Oswald. Which one should he shake first? This was never converted in the seminar...



Some people like to signal their power during a handshake by gripping the other person’s hand and shaking it like a dead fish. Here Terrence is attending a workshop to work on this very skill. Running the workshop is Phylis, who supplements his fish monger’s business with occasional corporate training.

Stand fast!


A further recurring idea that pops up in business stock images are various bods standing in line....for no apparent reason. It’s not as though they’re lining up to get their morning coffee, or queuing at a train station, no, they’re just standing there....smiling....


Unfortunately in this case, their contemplative queuing was interrupting by Albert, who decided that their row of heads made perfect stepping stones to get from one end of the office to the other.

Coming Soon!

In April I’m launching the ‘Storytelling for Cartoon Strips Course’. If you’re curious to find out more, add your details below and type ‘yep!’ In the subject box, and I’ll send you more information when it becomes available.