Lesser-Known Dog Breeds - The Slope-Sided Shepherd


The Slope-sided shepherd came about as the result of a desire to create a dog that was able to run about unhindered on steep hills and mountains where the sheep could usually be found grazing. Highly selective breeding slowly shortened the legs in one side of the dog while lengthening those in the the other.

Probably the most famous owner of the Slope-side Shepherd was the legendary 1920s entertainer Max Spatz, who frequently featured the breed in his stage show.

Spatz became so enamoured of the breed that he actually started wearing a platform shoe on one foot only in an attempt to emulate the dogs. The dogs approved, however, his leading lady - Clara Fitztwiddle - strongly disapproved as it affected their dance routine, and more importantly for her, resulted in some somewhat lopsided kissing sessions after the curtain had fallen.

One drawback of Slope-sided Shepherd ownership is that while the breed is eminently suited to hills and mountains, it is completely and utterly ill-equipped to deal with flat environments. It is for this reason that there has never been an examples of the breed registered with the Dutch kennel club.


Slope-sideds can still be found tending flocks in remote locations, and have also attained cult status in San Francisco, where they thrive in the hilly city.

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