Lesser-Known Dog Breeds - The Lhasa Absent


By far the most mysterious of all dog breeds, no actual photographs are known to exist of the Lhasa Absent.

It is believed to be a very old breed indeed inhabiting high altitude settlements in Tibet. The Lhasa Absent is used as a temple sentinel to keep rats at bay in monasteries and also to warm the feet of senior lamas. It is bred to move stealthily and to appear 'invisible' so as not to disturb the monks at prayer.

The only time when it is possible to hear the dogs bark is at 4am when they awake the monks for their early morning meditation session.

It is said that Lama Tikiyeezee so loved the breed that he intended to adopt the form of one in his next incarnation. When questioned as to whether it was a step backwards to assume canine form after a precious human rebirth, he replied that all is consciousness anyway, whether human or dog.

It is believed the breed has survived until the present day despite the American kennel club in 2013 that precisely no Lhasa Absents have been registered.

What’s next?

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter with a whole kennel of canines and other critters. Add your name and best email address to the orange below and I’ll wing a copy your way.