Lauren Johnson - The Mindset Secrets Of Elite Athletes

These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Lauren Johnson - The Mindset Secrets Of Elite Atheletes.

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Lauren Johnson is the New York Yankees ex-Performance Psychologist and a mental toughness expert.

We all have a lot to learn from people who are performing at the limits of their ability. As the person in charge of the New York Yankees' mindset for 4 years, Lauren has seen first hand just how important mindset and mental toughness are for enabling peak output.

Expect to learn how we can improve our self talk, how athletes deal with pain & discomfort, Lauren's best advice for dealing with criticism, what the difference is between a good and elite performer, how to avoid being too outcome-focussed and much more...

So What’s That Got To Do With Cartooning?

After every illustration, I’ll add a brief reflection on grow this might apply to creatives…in whatever their creative field might be.

Things In Motion Tend To Stay In Motion

It’s far easier once you’ve started drawing, writing etc to keep going rather than to take a break and try to get going again.

Pitstops Are A Proactive Approach For Long-Term Performance

It’s really not good for the eyes or the posture to spend too long hunched over a desk or drawing board staying at a canvas or screen. Schedule in a few breaks.

Decision Fatigue

If you’ve got too many decisions to make, then you’re likely not to choose any. Not only that, but you’ll lose a lot of energy that you’ll need when you have to make a big decision.

Do Things Most Aren’t Willing To

Sometimes this is the less glamorous side of things, such doing website stuff, practising drawing hands (tricky!). I’m sure you can think of a few further examples yourself.

Discomfort Is The Growth Zone

‘Overnight successes’ can take a long time…so be prepared to put in the time.

Half Of Success Is Showing Up Long Enough To See It

Success, however you want to define that, might be just the next piece away.

Train At The Slowest Level

When drawing new it can really help to break things down and focus on the small elements, and slow down a bit until you get it right.

Interested In Drawing Cartoon Dogs?

Fill out the form with yourname, best email address, and type ‘Woof!’ in the subject line and I’ll send you details about the ‘Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs’ Course.

You can check out the rest of the podcast here: