How To Draw Cartoon Dogs Walking

An enterprising dogwalker in New York soon realized that short-legged pooches had problems keeping up with their longer-limbed cousins, and dogs of lengthier leg tended to get a bit bored and restless when being forced to trundle along with others who preferred a more leisurely pace.

Following hot on the paws of her observation, she set up a dogwalking business specialising in short-legged dogs who tended to take their daily walk at a more leisurely pace, such as Pugs and Bulldogs. There were quite a number of pugs alone in the Big Apple, and so the business was soon up and running.

In today’s article we’re going to look at dog walking posture, and I’ll give you a few pointers about how to practice drawing them.

Dog Stride Sequence

First, let’s look at the sequence of the strides of a walking dog.

Here we have a Lab in motion. Take a look at it image by image, noticing any differences between each one.

Over To You

Now try tracing the above diagram to help you get used to the different steps of the sequence.

You may find it useful to use a grid as a reference.

Now try it again with a different breed

Choose a different dog breed that you like. Find a couple of references photos. Using both the photos and the diagram of Labs above as a reference, draw nine different steps.

You’ll have to alter the dimensions of the dog depending on the breed, for the above Schnauzer example, I have to make the body a little stockier and more square.

Quick Cheat For Walking Dogs

If you don’t have the time or inclination to look at a variety of dog walking poses, take a look at the quick pointer above which will instantly help you to get an accurate pose.

Over To You

Now take one of the drawings you made and turn it into a quick cartoon. Don’t worry about a gag or punchline, just draw a dog, and maybe add an owner and/or background

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