Ideas For The TVR Trident

I recently drew this picture of a 1967 TVR Trident sportscar. Only a handful of these were ever built and I think the convertible was a one-off. I thought it was a cool looking car, and also I enjoy drawing obscure vehicles that make people think “What’s that?”.


I ended up using it as part of The article ‘Alternative Car Security’, which featured some somewhat unsual methods of protecting your vehicles (basically having creatures guard the cars…).


Seeing as the car took some time to draw, I thought I’d explore some further possible ideas using the same car.

Mind-mapping the car


I started off by creating a mind map, adding some ideas to explore.

To be continued!

I’m going to riff off some of those ideas and come up with three possible cartoon situations.

What’s Next?

From Triffids to TVRS…and Ferraris to Fire Salamanders…You name it - I can draw it for you!

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