Alternative Car Security

Are you concerned about car security?

There’s not only the worry about having your vehicle stolen, but also the time involved in finding somewhere safe to park…and the cost of the insurance.

Worry no longer!

Here are three folks who have found novel solutions to their security needs.

Suki and Sasha


Suki here has managed to enlist the services of Sasha the snow leopard. Not only is Sasha highly effective, but Suki also likes the fact that a big cat is guarding her Jaguar. The only drawback with employing Sasha is that she tends to overheat a bit during the summer, a bit like Suki’s classic sports car as well…

A gaggle of guard geese


Who needs a car alarm when there’s honking instead? Like Suki above, Shelley is also a Jaguar E-type enthusiast. To avoid the sky-high premiums that would come with having to insure an expensive car on the streets, Shelley simply takes Gavin and Gertrude along for the ride instead.

Don’t tangle with the triffid!


Top florist and triffid-breeder, Angus Petal, always relies on his show-prize winning and automobile-guarding triffid, Amelia. One side-effect of this is that Angus has also avoided parking tickets for the last two years…

What’s next?

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter featuring a whole host of characters and cartooning tips. Add your name and best email address to the orange box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.