Lesser-Known Dog Breeds - The Spider-Trapper Dog


The Spider-Trapper dog was originated by Mrs. Betty Cobweb who recognised that a lot of people wanted to get rid of spiders but didn’t want to kill or swat them. Such people often resort to capturing the spider with a cup or glass and then releasing it outside. However, it’s a bothersome task and Betty thought that it was something that a dog could be bred specifically to do and thus folks could avoid having to deal with spiders in the first place.


And so Mrs. Cobweb steadily bred a small, agile dog that had an almost sixth-sense like ability to detect spiders and then proceed to trap and release them. While the dog was bred originally to trap spiders, it has also proved equally adept at capturing all manner of unwanted intruding bugs and creepy- raw lies.


Surely one of the highlights of the Spider-Trapper Dog’s career was during a cross country flight from New York to San Francisco, when during mid-flight it was discovered that there was an example of the notorious and deadly Wuzza-Wuzza hornet loose in the cabin. Fortunately for all concerned, Ms. Evelyn Bennie was travelling to visit her relatives along with her Spider-Trapper dog, Horace. With a cabin attendant suppllpying the cup, Horace was able to finally corner and capture the harassing hornet, enabling the airplane to safely complete it’s journey.


Spider-Trapper dogs have also proved to be remarkably adaptable to acting as assistants to table magicians.

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