Dodgy Stock Images

Business stock images can be very strange indeed, I mean does anyone really look like that in real life? However, the oddness of them makes them ideal targets to be altered and made even stranger still.....


Slithering to the CEO

In this image, a couple of business types are taking time out from the office to do some work on the stairs. Why they sitting on the stairs as opposed to in the office itself, or even a coffee shop is beyond me. So engrossed are they in their work, that they fail to see Annabella slither past them on her way to the office and a lunch date with the CEO. It is believed to be the first time in the company’s history that a member of senior management had been consumed by a giant snake, although the head of compliance did have a near-miss with a Burmese python during the team-building day out in Milton Keynes last year.

Questions, questions…


Here a woman is pictured surrounded by lots of questions. If anyone actually posed like hat in the office, then there would definitely be some questions asked about them as well.


Her contemplation is interrupted by a passing magpie who decides to snaffle one of the questions to line its nest with.

Do you want something more exciting than the average stock image, something unique only to you? Drop me a mail and we can chat about how I can help you.

Burning through the work


Here is a woman is faced by a huge stack of stuff to do that has built up on her desk. Fortunately, using the power of creative thinking, she is able to reduce her workload while at the same thing having a quick snack.


Fortunately, using the power of creative thinking, she is able to reduce her workload while at the same time having a quick snack.

What’s next?

Why use standard, boring business stock images that look a bit odd. I ca n can create something interesting and unique to you. Drop me a line.