Will Storr - How To Play The Status Game


Here is the introduction that accompanied the podcast: Will Storr - How To Play The Status Game.

Will Storr is an award winning author and journalist.

Status is the original human currency. Prestige, renown, respect and admiration are all sought after because it gave our ancestors better access to mates, safety and resources. Now the modern era has arrived, the lions are no longer chasing us but our desire for status is a strong as ever.

Change our circumstances rather than change self.


It isn’t possible to exit status games, but you can play different games.

Humiliation is the nuclear bomb of the emotions.

We have evolved to crave status.

We’re constantly measuring other people’s status versus us.

A successful group is a status generating machine for all members.

We are the games we play.

The three routes to status:

  1. Dominance

  2. Virtue

  3. Success