What Sally Sold Next

I recently drew a pic of Sally selling seashells om the seashore, and then another one of her moving on to sell squid as well.


It turns out that she’s quite the entrepreneur as she’s now moving on to sell something entirely different in this new cartoon. I wonder what she’ll sell next? And will it begin with ‘S’?

To create this cartoon, I thought I’d splice together the elements of two previous drawings.


Here’s Sally selling squid. I choose this version of her, rather than the following…


…as she’s wearing a brighter outfit which will make her stand out better against the background I had in mind.

I thought I’d reuse the background from this cartoon:


With this cartoon I was playing around with the idea of using an electric eel as a recharger…..


I copied the background and then flipped it.


I then gave her a sitting pose, altered the background, and added a liberal sprinkling of salamanders. Is that the official term for a group of salamanders, a ‘sprinkle’?

What’s Next?

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter containing a whole host of characters and cartooning tips. Add your name and best email address to the orange box below, and I’ll wing a copy tour way. I’ll also draw you a free cartoon as a thanks for signing up!