Illustrated Podnotes - Steven Kotler - A Complete Recipe For Peak Performance


These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Steven Kotler - A Complete Recipe For Peak Performance.

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Steven Kotler is a peak performance expert, entrepreneur and an author.

The mystery of achieving peak performance is what many people are striving toward in life. Steven is a world expert in Flow and through years of cutting edge research, has finally created the recipe.

Expect to learn how to break & build your motivation, the best way to hack your creativity, why Salvador Dali literally WAS drugs, the universal triggers you can use to drop yourself into flow, how to integrate peak performance protocols into your routine and much more... 


Flow shows up in all animals.

  • Motivation gets you into the game

  • Learning allows you to continue to play

  • Creativity is how you steer

  • Flow is how you amplify the results


In flow you have massively heightened pattern recognition.


If you think life happens to you, if you think you’re a victim, it shuts off the brain’s ability to participate in the world.


Almost everything we do as art is a flow delivery mechanism for the user.


Flow: moments of rapt attention, total absorption on what you’re doing that everything else seems to disappear.


Flow is what happens when you learn a bunch of different individual skills and they all come together.


Start the day with ninety minutes on your hardest task. Push it to the edge of your abilities.


The sensation of flow is a mastery alert.


Keep your word to yourself.


Check out the rest of the podcast: