Illustrated Podnotes - Steven Bartlett - Lessons In Creating A Successful Life


These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Steven Bartlett - Lessons In Creating A Successful Life.

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Steven Bartlett is the Founder of Social Chain, an entrepreneur and an author.

Building a business, buying fast cars and becoming a millionaire is the peak of some people's dreams. But does achieving that actually satisfy you and create success? Or does it leave you hollow inside? And is it possible to achieve material success alongside meaningful fulfilment?

Expect to learn why £13 in chicken shop feels more satisfying than Social Chain being listed on a stock exchange, why Steven's billionaire friends are miserable, how to develop the skill of quitting, why Steven left dinner to do a bodyweight workout in his hotel room and much more...


Here are some of the notes I made from the podcast.

So many people are imprisoned by a question that society is trying to make them answer.


You have to let go of one vine before grasping the next.

Quitting and starting go hand-in-hand.


Don’t let your past or labels or anything define you.

The vast majority of people, 99%, don’t live freely - they live confined by words that others have given them.


Constantly question the question.


Normal people get normal results, weird people get weird results.

By bring normal you are by definition aiming for average. You regress to the mean by doing what everyone else.