Sensing, Listening, and Looking

Sometimes it can be difficult to focus and stay in the moment.

Our mind is drifting off somewhere, even though we know we should be concentrating on the task at hand.

Or maybe your mind is whirring around and around….with seemingly no end in sight to its manic twirling.

So what can we do?

We are going to look at an exercises called sensing, listening, and looking.

Here’s what you have to do

Set a timer for five minutes. 

Take three deep breaths. 

Let’s start with the sensing part.



Start by noticing any sensations in your feet. 

Are the sensations steady or do they change?

Stay with the sensations for a few moments.

Now while keeping some of your attention in your feet, slowly move your attention up to include your lower legs...then your upper legs. Notice any sensations and stay with them for a few moments.

Follow the same process and now slowly broaden your focus to include your hands...add your forearms...and your upper arms. Stay with the sensations in your arms and legs for a few moments.

If at any point your mind wanders off, simply bring awareness back to your arms and legs.



Now while continuing to notice the sensations in your arms and legs, bring your awareness to the sounds around you.

There might be sounds in the immediate vicinity, such as a clock ticking or an electrical appliance. 

There might be sounds in the background, from traffic or the weather outside.

Whatever you hear, keep part of your attention in your arms and legs as well as being aware of the sounds.



Next we are going to start looking around the room and noticing objects around you, while continuing to keep part of the attention in the arms and legs, and on any sounds.

Look around the room. Look at something for a few seconds and then look at something different for a few seconds. 

Look as those you are seeing the object for the first time. 

Don’t fix your gaze on anything for more than a few seconds.

Keep looking around at different objects and changing objects every few seconds. 

While doing this remember to keep part of your attention in your arms and legs, and also on any sounds. Continue until the timer sounds.

So what is this all about?

The body is grounded in the now, rather than ruminating about the past or speculating about the future. Sensing, listening, and looking puts you more in contact with your body - and thus more in the moment.

Try it for five minutes and see.

What’s next

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter featuring a whole menagerie of characters, along with occasional cartooning tips. Add your name and mail to the orange box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.
