Illustrated Podnotes - Polina Pompliano - David Goggins And Elon Musk’s Performance Secrets


These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Polina Pompliano - David Goggins and Elon Musk’s Performance Secrets

Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:

Polina Pompliano is a writer, author & founder of The Profile.

Polina spends her time assessing the world's highest performing & most interesting individuals. Today we break down some of the common traits of her favourite subjects.

Expect to learn how David Goggins used post-it notes to change himself, why Elon Musk is able to have truly unique thoughts, what Polina learned from The Rock, how the highest performers on earth spend their time wisely and much more...


A lot of the time we don’t see how far we’ve come. If you were able to plot your consciousness progression on a graph you would have far more faith in yourself than you do.


One of the easiest ways of wrecking tomorrow today, is to use you phone in bed late at night. Better not to keep it in the bedroom at all.


Simplicity puts things into perspective. A lot of the time we all try and. Invite a lot of complexity into our lives, whereas it’s bette to boil things down to the basics.


Ultra-athlete and ex-Navy SEAL David Goggins uses what he calls an accountability mirror. On the mirror are various sticky notes that list the steps he has to take to change the person looking into the mirror. According to Goggins, when you look the mirror the only person you cannot lie to is yourself.


Grant Achatz’s restaurant, Alinea is regarded as one of the finest in the world.

As well as challenging conventions bout how food should be prepared, he also experiments with the experience itself of eating food. He gets inspiration from many sources. A trip to an art gallery got him thinking about why food has to be served off plates, why not something altogether more spectacular?

Every six months, Achatz gets the staff at Alinea to blow up the menu and start again from scratch. He believes that success leads to complacency, and when you’re complacent you can’t be innovative or original.


Elon Musk is constantly upgrading his mind. He’ll pick something and learn it from scratch - you can’t learn a bout rockets until you learn about physics.

He describes his learning process as a tree: you have to start at the roots, before you go to the trunk, the branches, the leaves. You can’t start with the leaves and work your way backwards. The leaves are the minute details about rockets, the roots are the fundamentals of physics.