On The Drawing Board - Jungle Expedition


This week’s On The Drawing Board sees the return of absent-minded zoologist, Lionel Peabody, accompanied of course by the ever loyal Reggie the honey badger.

Lionel won’t actually make too much of an appearance as today is more about setting the scene enabling him to return.


Here’s a previous pic of Lionel.

Background about the background


Recently I’ve been involved with a cartoon background challenge, where we practice drawing a variety of different backgrounds related to different themes such as inside the house, in the city, in the park etc. One theme was jungle or wilderness, which led to me sketching this background.

The seaplane moments before the scene started to hot up.

The seaplane moments before the scene started to hot up.

For some reason I started thinking about Raiders of the Lost Ark and the seaplane that was used by Indy Jones and his assistant at the beginning of the film.

Selecting A Seaplane


The seaplane I ended up choosing was a Supermarine Sea Lion. You may have heard of the Supermaine company, who manufactured the famous World War Two British fighter plane. Supermarine started out by building a series of seaplanes, the Sea Lion was the last one that they made.

To be continued!