Here are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - Luke Burgis - Mimetic Desire - Why Do We Want?
Here is the introducti0n that accompanied the podcast:
Luke Burgis is an entrepreneur and author.
We feel like we are in charge of our wants. Like we're the creator of our desires. But Rene Girard's theory of Mimetic Desire suggests an alternative - all we are doing is copying and modelling other people's wants, and then spitting them back out as our own.
We want what other want because other people want it.
We want what other want because other people want it.
Freedom is something we win or lose. It’s what happens with vices and addictions.
Freedom is something we win or lose. It’s what happens with vices and addictions.
Mimetic desire can lead to great innovation. The Lamborghini car company was born out of this.
Mimetic desire can lead to great innovation. The Lamborghini car company was born out of this.
Step back in.
Step back in.
It’s mimetic desire all the way down.
It’s mimetic desire all the way down.
Social media platforms are machines of manufacturing desire.