Lesser-Known Dog Breeds - The Norwegian Schnozhund


If you asked the average person on the street “What is the dog breed with the keenest sense of smell?” chances are they would instantly reply “Bloodhound”. There is however another breed with such a powerful sense of smell that it puts the Bloodhound to shame - The Norwegian Schnozhund.

Whereas the Bloodhound is capable of picking up a sent  that is several days old, only the powerful probiscus of the Schnozhund is able to detect scents of a week or more old.

Heavy Metal Hound?


The only trouble is that once a Schnozhund gets hold of a scent it absolutely will not let it go, come rain, wind or snow, or the pleading of its owner or handler. It truly is one of the most stubborn of all breeds. Even loud noises that would frighten almost any other dog fail to dislodge the Schnozhund once it’s on a scent trail.

A Great Nose For A Fine Vintage


One of the most notable owners was the vineyard owner and sommelier Pierre Le Pneau - the self styled greatest nose in France. Even he had to admit that he'd met his match in the formidable olfactory powers of his Schnozhund Remi. Not only could Remi correctly identify a wine from its bouquet, he didn't even have to be in the room to so.

Remi helped Pierre over several seasons, with Pierre even sometimes getting down onto all fours so that he could sniff in the same style as the dog.

A Dog Of Many Colours?


Schnozhund don’t come in much colour variations. Basically any colour is okay as long as it’s white.

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