Everyone has heard of the Greyhound, those sleek and fast dogs that have graced many a household. You may also have heard of it’s smaller cousin, the Italian Miniature Greyhound. However, few of you will have heard of it’s more more remote cousin still, the Italian Minute Greyhound.
The breeds has it’s origins with “Big Syd” Burns, a somewhat dodgy, not let me correct that…a completely dodgy character and greyhound afficiando. Big Syd was involved with various illegal dog races throughout London, that is until new police inspector “Gripper” Barnes started progressively shutting down all the illegal dog racing operations both in the capitol and beyond.
Facing the end of this highly illegal, yet illegal “business”, Big Syd hit upon the idea of breeding a new type of smaller racing dog that could be slipped into a pocket and taken for a race anywhere.
Choosing the smallest Italian miniature greyhounds from various litters, Big Syd progressively bred an even smaller variant soon.
Big Syd’s Plan almost fell at the very first hurdle, when at the first race, the rabbit that the hounds were supposed to race, ended up in pursuit instead.
Burns continued with his scheme for a few years, until he was involved in the North London pug wrestling scandle and ended up doing porridge as his crimes finally caught up with him.
Ten years later and now fully reformed, Big Syd has put the Minute Greyhound to a more wholesome use, taking around the tiny pooches around to help folks who are scared of dogs of more regular sizes.
Big Syd’s brother, “Big Vic” is also a Greyhound fan, but has decided to take his efforts in different direction entirely by breeding the Italian Giant Greyhound.
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