Search based content is going to be the dominant thing
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook are feed based social media you don’t search on them for something
A podcast, blog post, article, YouTube video you can make something once and then a year later people are still finding it.
It’ll be a long time before people stop searching for things on google, YouTube whereas people can leave social media platforms very quickly, due to bad press.
Race to ever increasing quality
Almost 90% of the content you consume today will have been created within the last 24hrs - David Perel
It’s come, easy go - you won’t remember you consumed it whereas if somethings been around for a while it’s most likely to be of worthwhile content if it’s popped up. On your radar having been in the Internet for three years it’s proved its value
Podcast and YouTube is a step down from being on tv.
Traffic is getting people to see the thing, conversion is getting people who see the thing to buy the thing.
What would happen if It started succeeding and I’m had double my customers next week would I be able to fulfil that? Because if your systems aren’t scalable then it’ll break and you’ll hate it.
Work closely with customers to get feedback and ideas if a customer says I don’t understand, can you explain this more clearly, can you explain this a bit better, what do you think about this, see it as an opportunity to create a resource for that question, I’m going to answer this question once to the best of my ability and then it’s the best answer to that question ever or it’s the best walkthrough explanation ever.
Most of the problems you come up against are consistent challenges.
The job of a owner or managing director is to be a complex decision engine that can never be matched by anyone else
That is the only place you add value
There will be someone half your age in a decades time who can compete on the grunt work.
It’s so hard to come to terms with the fact that what you think you’re good at is actually just a recipe you can write down and give to someone else and they might be better than you. The trick is picking a better person.
In setting up a business it’s not just the core things, it’s everything else, support stuff
Tiago Forte - A paradoxical thing about people who consistently choose the most high leverage activity. Is that their efforts have a rough-edged half-arsed quality because polishing things to perfection. Is a low-leverage activity perfectionism is. A nice way to hide from shipping at a pace necessary to find what works.
If you’ve got an idea sell it then build it with your customers you’ll end up building a better product.
Anyone sit and procrastinate, anyone can sit and perfect something - just launch it
You run out of motivation usually at getting something from 90% perfect to 100% perfect far more than doing another 90% perfect thing.
Just keep getting yourself to good enough and ship it - over time good enough will continue to increase.
Idea is the constant, delivery is the multiplier.
It’s all about the execution you can have the best in the world, but if your execution is awful no ones going to listen.
It’s the person walking around the Tate gallery:
‘I could have done that’ well, yes...but someone did and now look where they could have done. It....but they didn’t
It removes the ability to criticise
Only you know what 100% might have looked like, no one else knows that that your 80% was actually the 100% and if you’ve. Got any criticisms great. It was only 80% perfect so I’ve got room to improve
It is only you that ever feels the lack of potential you fulfilled in a project because to everyone else outside looking in that’s the product/service/course.