How To Grab People’s Attention


...or being more raspberry ripple and less vanilla...

Fred was intending the share the ice cream with his wife, Sandra. He thought it would be a spontaneous, fun thing that reminded him of being a teenager and sharing a cone with his girlfriend (who wasn’t the same as his wife now, but he probably wouldn’t tell his wife about that...)

On the way back to where Sandra was sitting, a wasp alighted on top of the ice cream, and not just any old wasp but this looked like it had been working out at the gym and possibly taking steroids as well....basically a super-wasp. Having learnt from past experience that swatting at wasps with your hand only tended to make them mad, Fred decided to stand there for a few moments and wait for the wasp to fly off. The wasp really appreciated this and this enabled it to tuck in and really start enjoying the sweet ice cream.

Nasty black and yellow flying beasties easily grab out attention, but usually life is far more humdrum.

Blah...blah...blah...look at this...look at that...same old same old.....

There is so much stuff competing for everyone’s attention...all the time...

I don’t know about you, but I don’t linger for too long looking at a site if it’s not interesting...and it’s exactly the same for everyone else - if the content you’re putting out doesn’t immediately grab them then they’re not going to hang around.

Penguins may be able to tell each other apart, but we can’t distinguish one from the other. It’s the same with all blurs into one.....

It’s a struggle to stand out and unless you stand out who on earth is going to notice you?


So much stuff is just plain old’s nice...but, well it’s only vanilla and there’s lots of it about. And while vanilla is nice with apple pie it doesn’t really do anything to grab our attention.


So instead of vanilla, how about being a bit more raspberry ripple? (Insert you own favourite ice cream flavour here) 


Or as Seth Godin would put it, don’t be a cow (hey! there is a connection here...cows produce milk which goes into ice cream) be a purple cow. Now a purple cow is something that sticks in the memory.

So what could help your article to stand out? What could get folks to actually look at it in the first place? I mean, after all if doesn’t matter how much time and effort you’ve put into your writing if you can’t get peeps eyeballs onto it.

How about an eye-catching image?

Visuals are processed so much faster than words and so the right image can instantly draw attention to your message.

Note I said eye-catching...don’t go and ruin things by using some lame stock image.

Cartoons are great at grabbing attention...and in helping your writing to stand out.

Now you could go and use any old cartoon, but how about something specific to what you’ve written? Something that really helps to get your point across.

This is where I come in.

I can draw a unique cartoon, a picture that will really help your writing to stand out.

This saves you the time and hassle of searching around for a not-quite-right-but-I-suppose-it’ll-have-to-do-image. Who wants to bother with all that, when someone else can take care of it for you and produce something specific to your needs.

Not only are cartoons good at getting attention, but they’re also great to share - people love showing friends pictures they like. And if people are sharing a picture that’s connected to you, then they’re also sharing awareness of you or your service.

Hmm...aren’t a lot of creatives flakes?

Sure, some are....and others, including myself, are most certainly not. I’ll listen carefully to whatever your requirements are, keep you updated about the work I do for, and - most importantly - deliver your images on time.

Yeah...okay...but what if you don’t deliver on time?

Then you don’t pay.

Fine, but what if I don’t like the image?

I’ll do up to two revisions of your image. By revision, I mean a small change to the cartoon - not completely redrawing it. However, let’s not let it get to that point.

What to do next:

  1. Fill out the contact form below and let me know how I can help you.

  2. Go relax and eat an ice-cream....even vanilla if you like...


I live in Japan, and some folks here are obsessed with finding the perfect ramen (noodles), others the very best sushi. For me I’m on a personal quest to find the ultimate chocolate-mint ice cream. I’ve been at it for years, but all good quests should take time. I don’t know I specified raspberry ripple and not chocolate-mint earlier....hmm...I’ve got a hankering for raspberry ripple now...