How To Draw Dog Hind Legs

Drawing dog hind legs can be tricky.

Maybe you’ve found that the front legs are quite straight forward, but you’ve come unstuck when it comes to the rear half of the dog.

You could only draw the front half of the dog…

…or you could portray all your dogs standing in water…which might be appropriate at least some of the time if they’re Labradors or Spaniels…

…or maybe only draw really hairy dogs, so you can’t actually see the legs…

…or you could try the tips in this article on how to draw dog hind legs.

  1. Draw an oval shape.

  2. Draw a small circle, slightly to the left or right of the oval depending on what side you’re drawing.

  3. Draw a straight line connecting the oval and circle.

  4. Draw a curved line connecting the oval and circle.

  5. Draw two parallel lines for the lower leg.

  6. Draw the paw.

    Look For This Shape

Look out for the above shape when drawing hind legs. Note that this shape is going to change a bit depending on the breed and the pose, however, it will give you a rough guideline for most standing poses.

Draw Hind Legs On These Dogs

Now trying drawing hind legs on the four different dog breeds above. If you like you could also try the same exercise for the following breeds as well

  • Greyhound

  • Husky

  • Labrador

  • Poodle

Examples For #4

Over To You

Now try doing some quick random dog doodles to help you remember the principles from this article.

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