Grounding Characters

Today I’m going to show how a simple line instantly grounds your character.


Here’s Gerald walking along, at the moment there’s no line or ground under him.


A simple line instantly stops him floating along there in space.

I drew the line on a separate layer . As Gerald was drawn on another layer, you can see parts of the line showing through Gerald’s body.


You can either erase the parts of the line that show through, or add a separate layer between Gerald and the line, and fill in his feet in white to cover the line. So you can see the white, I added a purple layer underneath.


If you are going to add more detail to the background, then you might as well fill in all of Gerald in white, so that when you draw the background you won’t see any of it through Gerald.


With this one instead of a thin line I used the marker brush in Procreate, setting the opacity at 60% to create a thicker line.


This pose of Gerald is at an angle, so I thought that a thicker line would be better than a thin one.


I hope that has been useful.

What’s next

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter which contains a whole host of characters, as well as cartooning tips. Add your name and best email address to the box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.
