Generating Cartoon Ideas - Dogs And Clouds


Have you ever seen a shape in a cloud?

Rolf here certainly has…

I’ve always been fond of animal aviators, so it was fun to have one feature in a weekly cartoon idea generating challenge that I’m involved in.

Each participant in the challenge has a base element. In my case it’s dogs, with the other chap it’s houses.

Four times a week there’s a different topic we have to combine with the base element. The topics of this particular week were:

  • river

  • cloud

  • tuba

  • junk mail

I’ve already posted here some ideas for ‘tuba’, so today was the turn of clouds.


I don’t much of an excuse to draw a mad scientist, and the cat vs dog dynamic is always a very fruitful one for ideas.


What more appropriate breed than a Bloodhound to have a cloud looming over them?

Are You Interested In Drawing Cartoon Dogs?

Simply fill out the form below and type ‘Woof!’ In the subject line, and I’ll send you details of the Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs Course.