Generating Cartoon Ideas - Dogs And Tubas


Generating Cartoon Ideas - Dogs And Tubas.

How many Chihuahuas does it take to play a tuba?

I’m pretty certain that the question doesn’t appear in any lists of Zen koans, however it did feature in a weekly cartoon idea generating challenge that I’m involved in.

Each participant in the challenge has a base element. In my case it’s dogs, with the other chap it’s houses.

Four times a week there’s a different topic we have to combine with the base element. This week’s topics are:

  • river

  • cloud

  • tuba

  • junk mail

So today was the turn of tubas.


Because of the tuba’s size, I started pondering what might happen if a dog could crawl inside or use it for some non-musical purpose.


The cat vs. dog theme is a recurring element in cartoons in this challenge.


And finally returning to the going inside the tuba theme.

Cartoon Idea Mindmap


Here’s a quick mindmap I put together to help me explore some ideas. You can even add to it If you like.

Over To You


How about trying a mindmap yourself? I’ve started one off above using ‘guitar’ as the base element. In my case I’d continue with the dog theme, but feel free to substitute any animal, human, or creature you feel like.

Would you like to learn how to draw dog cartoons?

Simply fill out the form below and type ‘Woof!’ in the subject line, and I’ll send you details about of the Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs Course.