Drawing The Legless Lizard


This is a legless lizard. This green fellow discovered a pile of berries that had rotted in the sun and fermented. Having scoffed the lot, he is scittering about randomly….

I’m going to go through the process of creating this cartoon.

Initial outline


As with all of my cartoons, I build up the drawing in a series of layers.

Adding hatching


I added a new layer of hatching to show the texture of the lizard’s skin. You can also see another layer visible that shows the palette I’m going to use to colour the picture.



Here I’m washing in the colours, setting the digital watercolour brush on ProCreate to 30%. I gradually build up the depth of the tones. Again, this is on a separate layer that sits below the outline.

Tidying up the picture


I’ve now erased all of the areas where the colour overspilled. Just a few finishing touches to add now.

The finished picture


I added some shadow below the lizard and also some movement lines…and the hit!

And now the lizard is free to drunkenly skitter away to wherever its bound.

What’s next?

I put together a Cartoon Newsletter, which contains a whole host of characters, as well as cartooning tips. Add your name and best email address to the orange box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.