Illustrated Podnotes - Dr Zach Bush MD - Why We Shouldn’t Aim For A New Normal —

Illustrated Podnotes - Dr Zach Bush MD - Why We Shouldn’t Aim For A New Normal


These are some illustrated podnotes to go with the Modern Wisdom Podcast - How To Not Start an Online Business.

In this episode, host Chris Williamson talks with Jonny from Propane Fitness. Here are Chris’s notes introducing the podcast:

Dr Zach Bush MD is a physician and educator specialising in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care.

The last 12 months have been a challenge. Everyone has come up against difficulties and can't wait to get back to some sense of normality, but by aiming for normal, are we missing out on an opportunity to become something better?

Expect to learn how to deal with a loss of meaning and identity during global crises, why unity and conformity are not the same thing, how losing diversity in the global microbiome is related to our immune system and much more...


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