Don’t Chase Shiny Objects

“Ooh…ooh!…..I’ve got to check that out!….It would be great to try that!”

Chasing shiny objects is all well and good for magpies - it’s what they do after all…and everyone has got to have something to do.

However, we’re not magpies, and it’s so easy to have our attention caught and distracted by some new, shiny thing or idea, instead of sticking to what we have to do.

This week I’ve been riffing off the phrase “Don’t chase shiny objects.”


This is the first one that I came up with. After posting it on a forum, I was challenged to try something less obvious or a bit odd…such as a table lamp….


I received some more suggestions such as pulling a piano….or chasing a light house…


For the two above suggestions I recycled a couple of previous cartoons. This one originally featured a piano playing the playing…as they do… I gave the penguin a break from pianistic duties and gave the maypie a chance to test it’s strength instead.


The lighthouse originally appeared in a cartoon featuring a very rare dog breed - The Red Spotted Dalmatian. You may not have heard of that partular dog breed before….

What’s Next?

I drew some of the above cartoons during Cartoon Hour.

What’s Cartoon Hour?

Basically, it’s an hour where everyone meets on Zoom and draws at the same time (me too!). Folks can choose what they want to draw, and if they’re stuck for ideas, then I’m happy to help with some suggestions. 

At the end of the hour we show each other what we’ve drawn. I’ll be imparting a few cartooning tips as well.

It’s a good way to get some cartooning done and also to share with fellow doodlers.

If you’d like to receive more details on Cartoon Hour, simply add your name, best email address, and type “Yes!” In the message below.