Crocodile Cartoons

So much for the chef’s idea to simply tap the croc on the head an put it in the pot…

So much for the chef’s idea to simply tap the croc on the head an put it in the pot…

I had some vague recollection of a cartoon featuring a croc in a kitchen, so I thought I’d do my own version.


I came up with this one when trying to think up a Christmas card for a cricket-loving friend. Seeing as crocs have very tough skins, I thought they would be ideal to stand up to a sustained spell of fast bowling.


This one was playing around with the idea of ‘when one door closes, another opens’. I wanted a creature long enough to stretch between the two doors, and I thought the croc would fit perfectly. As to who might be behind the two doors, I’ll leave that up to the reader.


Admitedly this one is an alligator, rather than a croc. That was more to do with the species name fitting in with the caption. I guess that ‘The crotchety croc’ might have also worked.

What’s next

I put out a Cartoon Newsletter featuring a whole host of characters and critters. Add your name and mail to the orange box below, and I’ll wing a copy your way.