Combining Ideas To Create Gags


A while ago I was involved in a cartoon idea generating challenge.

Myself and the other participant each chose a topic that we wanted to produce ideas about. In my cases it was dogs; in his, houses.

We each used our topic as a base element to which we added a different element to every day.

Here is the list of daily elements I’m going to show today:

  • Mountain

  • Backpack

  • Water

  • Wood Chipper

Here are a few of the cartoons that I came up. The main point was to generate lots of ideas, rather than to produce many polished cartoons.

Dogs + Mountain


Also included with this element is the cartoon at the top of the page. All of these sketches were drawn on an iPad Pro using ProCreate. In the app I used a 6B pencil.

Dogs + Backpack


This is the first picture today exploring a very traditional rivalry: cat vs dog.


I think if I’d added a bigger backpack it would have made a stronger impact.

Dogs + Water


Looks like it’s 2-0 to the dogs at this point.


Ever since a friend of mine got an Italian Greyhound I’ve been drawing a few of these in different forms.

Dogs + Wood Chipper


I’d never draw a wood chipper before this one came up. In fact I didn’t really know what one was.


And those last two pics look they’ve evened up the score between the cats and dogs, with today ending at 2-2.

Over to you:

Time for you to give this a try!

  1. Choose a base element, something you regularly draw or a new topic you want to explore.

  2. Now write a bunch of different topics, anything will do. Don’t stop to think about these for too long, just jot down whatever comes immedialtely to mind.

  3. Everyday choose a new topic and add it to your base element. Doodle a couple of ideas. Remember that this isn’t about creating perfect or polished cartoons - it’s about generating lots of ideas for cartoons.

Have fun!

Interested In Drawing Cartoon Dogs?

Click the button below, send me a mail, and type “Woof!” In the subject line. I’ll send you details about the Cartooning Canines - How To Draw Cartoon Dogs Course.