Clean Up Your Dodgy Stock Images


Business stock images have got a bit of attention for bring a bit, well odd…

But it’s not just business stock images that are often strange and peculiar.

Today, let’s have a look at the equally weird world world of cleaning stock images.

Just as business stock image situations are peopled by perma-happy people in gleaming hi-tech offices.


Kitchen stock images are unnatural due to the fact that they are permanently clean - we have to do something about this  truly unnatural state of affairs.


Apart from the odd appearance of a monster, these scenes all seem a bit sterile.

I mean, I know that the point of cleaning is to make things sterile, but come one…

Not only has every speck of dust and dirt been removed from the scene, but also all trace of life.

No signs of any leftover food remaining while at the same time lots of cheesiness being added.

The kitchens are already spotless….

What on earth are they cleaning?

Need a microscope to find any remaining dust.

Spotless is boring


Some of the poses that people strike in stock images, are a bit peculiar to say the least.


In this image, the cleaner seems to emulating Bond with that pose. Or perhaps there are more than cleaning fluids in that spray it some secret concoction that Q has developed to remove stubborn stains or enemy agents?


Here’s another odd pose. In this one she appears to be doing some mime.


Also, does anyone ever look that happy when they’re doing the cleaning?


Even cleaning out the vat of custard has failed to wipe the grin off her face.

Read life kitchens never resemble stock images.

Real life anything rarely resemble stock images.

There’s a disconnect between the kitchens in the pics and those in real life.

There’s also a disconnect between stock images and the feeling/emotion/message you want to convey.

There has to be….as stock images have to be general, whereas what you want to say/show/represent is specific.

Perhaps it’s time to consign standard stock images to the trash can.

Polish up your site with some better images

Standard stock images are very non-stick - they simply don’t grab and hold your reader/viewer:s attention


You want a solution with the same effect as an egg fried for half an hour…..the sort of egg that defies gravity

Read life kitchens never resemble stock images.

Real life anything rarely resemble stock images.

There’s a disconnect between the kitchens in the pics and those in real life.

There’s also a disconnect between stock images and the feeling/emotion/message you want to convey.

There has to be….as stock images have to be general, whereas what you want to say is specific.

Are you still clutching onto using dodgy stock images?


For want of a better image, your entire article could be rescued.

Not that there’s anything wrong with your article, post, or writing in general - it’s just that people won’t bother reading it if you are using tired old stock images.

I draw a lot of cartoons - some silly and others not. I can draw unique images for you too. These pictures can really capture what you have to say, as well as grabbing your reader’s attention. It also makes your site or post a lot more fun to look at.

So let’s be a bit more creative when it comes to the pics you put on your site or with your writing.

From stodgy stock to imaginative images - I can do the same for you. Drop me a mail.