I thought I’d put together a collection of cartoon cartoons that I’ve drawn over the last couple of years.
More reliable than a VW full of hounds
More reliable than a VW full of hounds.
VW Beetles have a naturally comical appearance about them, so it was an easy choice to include one in a cartoon.
Spring trip to the countryside
Drive by flower grazing.
This one features Gerald the Goat and Granny Mills. The car is based on a Triking, which is a modern-day recreation of an old Morgan Three-Wheeler.
The Extended Dachschund
If you’ve got a stretch limo you need a stretch dog.
A touch of Gothic
A touch of Gothic.
I was going to something quirky and atmospheric with this one. The car is a Czech Tatra 87 produced from 1936 - 1950.
Is it a plane? Is it a car?
The Leya Hélica.
This contraption, which looks more aeroplane than car, was an actual vehicle, the Leya Hélica, built in France in the 1920s. Methinks it might not be road legal these days…
Infested by Weasels
I’ve always loved Jaguar E-types, so they occasionally feature in cartoons.
What’s next
I put out a Cartoon Newsletter containing a whole host of characters as well as occasional cartooning tips. Add your name and mail to the orange box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.