Airplane Cartoons


I thought put together a mini-collection of assorted airplane cartoons that I’ve draw over the last year or so.

The above cartoon features the Gee-Bee, a racing plane from the 1930s.

The Finnish Glider


I created the Finnish Glider as part of my ongoing series of Lesser-Known dog breeds.

Notable owners include the pioneering aviatrix Betty De Havilland who was accompanied by her dog Roger on her trans-Himalayan flight.

Illustration For Modern Wisdom Podcast


This one I created to illustrate a series of podnotes on the Modern Wisdom Podcast - How Not To Create An Online Business.

Caption The Cartoon!


A while ago I took part in a caption challenge where I had to post cartoons and then think of as many different captions as possible to go with them. Here are a few that accompanied the above cartoon.

1. Takes all the fun out of it.
2. Think how big the egg must have been.
3. Maybe we should take it for a change.
4. How come we never see it trying to eat anything?
5. Where on earth does it nest?
6. Remind me to teach the new hatchlings that eagles and turbofan blades don’t mix.
7. What do you reckon it eats?
8. I still can’t work out how it does that...
9. That’s defying the laws of physics!
10. Man isn’t supposed to do that.