A Mindful Train Journey

How to reduce stress on the train

People often say that they don't have time to meditate, or not as much as they would like. this article gives some ideas on how to turn your commute into an opportunity to practice mindfulness and not just a drudge you have to put up with twice a day.

While you are waiting


As you are waiting for the train, gently bring your attention to your breath. When you breath in, notice where you first feel the in-breath - is it on the upper lip or the tip of your nose or your nostrils?

If you start wondering if the train is going to be late, or what might happen at work today, bring your attention back to the breath. Willing the train to appear won't make it arrive any faster and you can't control future events from a train platform, so just go back to the breath - the day will unfold without you thinking about it all the time.

Breath in for a count of four and then out for a count of six. After a couple of minutes of this your breath will have slowly come down to six breaths a minute, about half as slow as an average persons rate.

This will naturally make you feel calmer, very useful if you are about to step onto a busy rush-hour train, often the mere thought of which can make some  people start to feel a bit more anxious. Keep attention on the breath and keep breathing in this way until the train pulls up in front of you. As as you've found your place on the train, whether sitting or standing, resume the 4/6 breathing pattern.



4/6 breathing can help you even in the middle of a crowded train car or a busy station. It actually calms you in two ways: 1. the effect on your body as mentioned above. 2. By putting your attention on the counting 1..2..3..4......1..2..3..4..5..6.. and the sensations of breath, you are making it more difficult for your mind to wander off onto thoughts about the busy train, the day ahead or anything else that is outside of your control that might be bothering you.

Mind the gap


Simply concentrate on your breath in 1..2..3..4........out 1..2..3..4..5..6.. (repeat) for the duration of one journey between stations. Simply concentrate and late the train do the timing for you.

Use the gaps between stations as a natural timing mechanism. Take a brief break when the train reachers the next station. This way it breaks up the journey into easily bite-size pieces, rather than trying to be mindful for the entire journey.

You can even use the ‘train timing’ to practice other things such as a body scan . You can also use it when studying to break down whatever it is you are trying to learn into smaller ‘between stop’ chunks.

When you reach the end of your journey try to keep part of your attention on your breathing as much as possible. Also, use 4/6 breathing throughout the day when you feel the need to be a little calmer.

What’s next?

I have a cartoon newsletter that I put out everyday. There’s a whole host of characters, as well as occasional tips on cartooning and mindfulness. Add your name and mail to the orange box below and I’ll wing a copy your way.