Introducing The Stamina Hound


Introducing the Stamina Hound, the longest running of all dogs in the canine world.

I was having a tidy up today and found a leaf from an old notepad today.


I’m not sure how old the note is, however, as it mentions at the bottom ‘If I had an ipad I could knock this up in minutes’, that dates it at least fours years old, as that’s how long I’ve had my ipad.

This was intended to be the start of a new ‘Lesser-Known Dog Breeds’ story, but for some reason I never went ahead and wrote. I’ll soon put that right!

In case the notes on the above photo are difficult to read, I’ve listed them out below.

  • Not good at sitting still

  • Really not good house dogs

  • They need a yard, preferably one several miles long

  • One was entered in the Paris To Peking race of 1909. The dog actually won, but was disqualified for not being an automobile.