Cartoon Background Challenge - In The City


This is week three of the cartoon Background challenge I’m currently involved in.

Here is the breakdown of the challenge:

Five weeks, four sketches per week:

Week 1. Outside the house (may vary different sizes and/or types of homes)
Week 2. Inside the house (can be in the same or different rooms)
Week 3. In the city
Week 4. Park or countryside
Week 5. Wilderness or jungle

Each week focuses on different approaches to the location such as:

-high view
-low view
-close up
-wide angle

The goal is pushing ourselves to get out of our default approach to backgrounds that we draw, and to sketch a whole bunch of different backgrounds.

Thanks to David Greene for joining in the challenge.

Wide Angle


This is a view along the bank of the Thames River, London.

It became the setting for the cartoon at the top of this article.


Crossing the pond, here’s one of a New York street scene…


…and a completed cartoon.

Low Angle


I liked the idea of having the perspective of having someone looking up at the top of a skyscraper…


…and of course I had to have something lurking at the top of the skyscraper…

At The Train Station


I thought it would be useful to have a train station background for future reference…


…feel free to send me ideas for captions!