A Simple Perspective Exercise

In this article we’re going to try out a simple exercise to help you with perspective.

First of all, take a look at the image above. What do you notice about all the lines?

All the parallel lines running away from your view point meet at one point in the distance. This is called the vanishing point.

This is an example of parallel perspective.

Time To Try!

  1. Draw a line across the middle for the horizon.

  2. Draw a dot in the middle for the vanishing point.

  3. Draw diagonal lines from corners A, B, C, & D to the dot.

Now using the guidelines you just set to help you, draw an avenue of trees.

Here’s my own example. Feel free to experiment with different tree shapes. You can also add additional guidelines to help you with the proportions of the tree.

Next, use the guidelines again and draw two rows of buildings lining the street.

Here’s my example. As you can see, the buildings are really, really simple. So you can add more detail, such as a few windows to make them more ‘building-like’.

Over To You!

Now try creating your own scene using perspective. Try adding buildings, trees, and any other details you like.