Need Content? Pushed for Time?



“Hmm....Content...content....content...Everyone says that content is king and that I need to be putting more content out there but what to do? There’s only so much time in the day and I only have so many ideas flying around my head. There’s just not enough time to produce the amount of content I’d like....aargh!”

Sally was sitting down trying to think of some new content for her site. She’d been sat there for a while, and aside from a few random doodles and notes on her tablet didn’t have much to show for it..and meanwhile the clock was ticking on the list of things she had to do...

Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a similar situation to Sally, needing to write another article or blog post but with little time to do so.

Being pushed for time can make it doubly can be bad enough having to write the damn thing in the first place!

Maybe you feel as though you only have so many ideas in your head and forcing yourself to come up with more is a real strain. This can turn creating your own content from something you enjoy doing to something that you’d really rather not bother with...

Hiring someone to produce content for you is probably out of the question, so what can you do?

It would be neat to be able to access some additional content, to supplement whatever you create yourself.

It would also be neat if such content would help to brighten up your site, amuse your readers, and also help them to engage with your content.

Is there something that could help you do all of the above?

This is where cartoons come in.




Everyone loves cartoons....they help to add humour and brighten up a site, blog, or social media post.

More importantly, they’re great attention grabbers and people love to share them among friends.

What if you could get hold of a bunch of cartoons along with some practical suggestions on how to use them to help your business?

What if you had access to a steady stream of cartoons that you could use on your site as much as you liked? - is this superfluous?

As well as making people smile, cartoons can also help me to pause for thought and reflect...




 ...even if only for a moment...

Or how about for a simple moment of joyful silliness

  ...even if only for a moment...

Or how about for a simple moment of joyful silliness



Cartoons can also be used to illustrate well known sayings and quotations.



As well ascartoons being used to amuse people or illustrate a point, they can also enable readers to interact with your content. How so?

I’m sure you’ve seen caption the cartoon competitions before, where readers are invited to come up with a caption to go with the cartoon. By using these you can get your audience to engage with your content. Let’s look at an example.

 Caption the cartoon - What is the rabbit saying to the woman?



Such content really catches the eye of your readers and they get to share their ideas with you.

You also have a great opportunity to have a conversation with them. While all of this is going on, they are staying on your site or with your brand for longer, and becoming more familiar with it.

You’ve probably also seen spot the difference cartoons, where you have to find the differences between a pair of pictures. Here’s an example. (Answers at the end of this article)








As you will have seen if you tried to find the differences, puzzles like these engage with readers and help them to stay on your site longer.

It also gives you a further opportunity to engage with your readers when they post their answers to the comments section. This can also help to develop a community as your readers interact with each other about their answers or ideas.

So now that you’ve seen a few examples of how cartoons can grab the attention of, and then engage with your readers, you might be thinking where can you get them from?



 Introducing The Cartoon Subscription Service

Your site, blog, Facebook page etc… add a few cartoons….magic!

Have you ever wanted to add some cartoons to your site but never gotten around to it?

Maybe you've been busy or you didn't know quite to start.

A cartoon subscription service provides you with the images you need to liven up your site…and to grab your readers attention - whether you're looking to engage with them, collect email addresses or to offer them something.

Paying someone, including me, to create individual images for you can soon add up as you want a cartoonist who is good at what they do and so won't come cheap.

The cartoon subscription services provides a reasonably priced alternative, and also gives you the option of having cartoons altered, or even created from scratch for you.

As all the cartoons are in one place, it saves you the hassle of searching around. New cartoons are also added every month.



 -grab your viewers attention

-brighten up your content

-get shared on social media

-are a way to promote your product or service


 ...which also means…


-no more using crappy stock images

-no more wasting time searching for images

-no worries about copyright issues




 -themes to choose from e.g. cats, dogs

-caption the cartoons

-spot the difference

-cartoons with stories - illustrated silly stories

 What do I get?

 -100’s of cartoons to choose from

-web ready images (480 x 360 72 DPI) which you can post right away

-the cartoons you need in one spot

Interested in finding out more?

Write your name, email address, and write “cartoon me up” in the subject line and I’ll send you further details.

