Lesser Known Dog - Breeds - The Shoe Shine Terrier

Lesser Known Dog Breeds- The Shoe Shine Terrier.


Terriers have a reputation for being tenacious, and perhaps even stubborn at times, none more so than the Shoe Shine Terrier, whose role in life is to keep doggedly polishing away to ensure that your shoes are kept in tip-top condition.


Shoe Shine Terriers can still be found prowling the corridors of The Chauncey hotel in the early morning, each one carrying a different colour polish brush in it's mouth to ensure that all hues of shoe are catered for.


Italian movie star, Luisa Mentholo, always kepta Shoe Shine Terrier on hand to ensure that her footwear was kept mirror-like at all times.


Some genetic trait, inherent to the breeds, ensures that Shoe Shine Terrier's coat can only ever be white. Which, unfortunately, isn't the best of colours when you are dealing with shoe polish all day long.