Lesser Known Dog Breeds - Gimley's Delivery Dog


The Delivery dog's story is entwined with that of the legendary Gimley's department store. Department store founder Max Stiltonburger, bred the dog, with it's distinctive silvery-grey coat, to carry out local deliveries to customers, and also as a means to promote the store are the dogs went about their work in the surrounding neighborhoods.


In 1969, Stiltonburger's grandson Max StiltonburgerJnr. III, who was by now the new managing director, came up with a publicity stunt whereby one of the dogs, would delivery a cake to the sister store in Boston to celebrate it's50th anniversary. The dog, Binkie the second, garnered a lot of attention and press as it made it's way to the store.


Unfortunately, just outside of Boston the plan was thwarted when a sudden gust of wind distributed the cake all over the sidewalk. Before Binkie was able to salvage the cake, it was eaten by a pack of squirrels who approved of the cake, apart from the fact that it could have done it have had more nuts.


Although Gimleys closed in 1976, delivery dogs can still be found in offices throughout North America, deliverying urgent messages and small packages with their innate dependability.